Important Keys:
- Distribution: Native to northern Australia, including areas such as Queensland and the Northern Territory. Silver Gouldian Finches are often kept in captivity, where their coloration can be selectively bred.
- Environment: Prefers open woodlands, grasslands, and savannahs, and is found near water sources.
- Primary Food: Seeds, particularly from grasses, as well as small fruits and insects.
- Feeding Behavior: Forages on the ground and in low vegetation, using its beak to pick up seeds and small food items.
- Nesting: Builds nests in trees or shrubs, typically using grasses and other plant materials to create a compact, cup-shaped structure. In captivity, they may also use artificial nest boxes.
- Egg Quantity: Usually lays 4-6 eggs per clutch.
- Incubation Period: About 12-14 days.
- Fledging: Chicks fledge (leave the nest) around 20-25 days after hatching.
- In the Wild: Generally around 5-7 years.
- In Captivity: Can live up to 8-10 years or more with proper care.
- Social Structure: Highly social and active, often found in small flocks or pairs. The Silver Gouldian Finch is known for its vibrant and interactive behavior within its group.
- Vocalization: Produces a range of soft, melodious calls and chirps. Their vocalizations are pleasant and used for communication within flocks and during mating displays.
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